4355 rank

21,988,123 points

15,333 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Hewbler the Horrible   
Sinerania 479 Hewbler the Horrible 268,522,983 53,068
Hewbler the Horrible    Lazy bones
Dinegu 4923 Hewbler the Horrible Lazy bones 23,053,785 15,616
Hewbler the Horrible    Hewb
Langendorn 4355 Hewbler the Horrible Hewb 21,988,123 15,333
Hewbler the Horrible    Hewb
Mount Killmore 4719 Hewbler the Horrible Hewb 20,729,005 16,253
Hewbler the Horrible    Meh
Uceria 1505 Hewbler the Horrible Meh 15,381,773 7,287
Hewbler the Horrible   
Rugnir 4178 Hewbler the Horrible 9,948,018 2,502
Hewbler the Horrible   
Noarsil 7508 Hewbler the Horrible 3,825,481 1,781