6945 rank

4,674,657 points

594 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
scothegreat    trilulilu
Langendorn 6945 scothegreat trilulilu 4,674,657 594
scothegreat    Thrones of Thorns
Dinegu 7987 scothegreat Thrones of Thorns 4,595,331 856
scothegreat    termites
Cirgard 8451 scothegreat termites 4,087,446 758
scothegreat    300-or-more
Noarsil 7649 scothegreat 300-or-more 3,447,161 464
scothegreat    The Blue Rose
Sinerania 5127 scothegreat The Blue Rose 3,352,091 392
Tuulech 5858 scothegreat 338,954 161