12134 rank

279,278 points

243 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Severus the Merciful 753    WHITE GARDEN
Odhrorvar 11817 Severus the Merciful 753 WHITE GARDEN 312,922 256
Severus the Merciful 753   
Langendorn 12134 Severus the Merciful 753 279,278 243
Severus the Merciful 753   
Korch 12887 Severus the Merciful 753 265,766 266
Severus the Merciful 753    Deadpool
Jaims 13075 Severus the Merciful 753 Deadpool 262,832 212
Severus the Merciful 753   
Greifental 13331 Severus the Merciful 753 221,713 231
Severus the Merciful 753   
Arvahall 17899 Severus the Merciful 753 179,012 256