5904 rank

7,617,519 points

3,531 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
wscarola    BIG SUNFLOWERS
Fel Dranghyr 4268 wscarola BIG SUNFLOWERS 24,573,975 6,368
wscarola    The Late Crusaders
Mount Killmore 5937 wscarola The Late Crusaders 9,219,725 4,705
wscarola    The Knights say NI
Langendorn 5904 wscarola The Knights say NI 7,617,519 3,531
wscarola    Noble cause
East-Nagach 6753 wscarola Noble cause 7,262,223 3,482
wscarola    The Knights Templar
Rugnir 6159 wscarola The Knights Templar 1,833,614 1,895
wscarola    Lion Eyes
Houndsmoor 14031 wscarola Lion Eyes 322,352 473
wscarola    THE MANCS
Noarsil 14482 wscarola THE MANCS 121,441 386
wscarola    Land down under.
Dinegu 17500 wscarola Land down under. 60,745 246
wscarola    Knights of the Sourh
Brisgard 19979 wscarola Knights of the Sourh 51,097 228