2395 rank

86,114,741 points

75,356 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Heidi the Unicorn    lOoNeY tOoNs
Odhrorvar 2091 Heidi the Unicorn lOoNeY tOoNs 106,722,868 69,290
Heidi the Unicorn    Play for Fun&Profit
Langendorn 2395 Heidi the Unicorn Play for Fun&Profit 86,114,741 75,356
Heidi the Unicorn    🌸Star Legends🌸
Tuulech 772 Heidi the Unicorn 🌸Star Legends🌸 67,552,909 66,865
Heidi the Unicorn    Lionheart🦁
Greifental 3393 Heidi the Unicorn Lionheart🦁 55,392,967 68,693
Heidi the Unicorn    🔱ROGUE PHOENIX🔱
East-Nagach 3586 Heidi the Unicorn 🔱ROGUE PHOENIX🔱 50,325,360 37,098
Heidi the Unicorn    Unicorn Dragons
Houndsmoor 4136 Heidi the Unicorn Unicorn Dragons 45,081,110 48,666