7887 rank

2,538,668 points

1,364 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
002steve002    ⚖Vigilante Justice⚖
East-Nagach 4498 002steve002 ⚖Vigilante Justice⚖ 27,832,660 3,814
002steve002    Lafayette
Arvahall 5505 002steve002 Lafayette 26,240,415 2,454
002steve002    Relic Hunter
Sinerania 3990 002steve002 Relic Hunter 7,762,925 1,705
002steve002    Kingdom of Jerusalem
Dinegu 7920 002steve002 Kingdom of Jerusalem 4,758,074 1,483
002steve002    hellraisers
Langendorn 7887 002steve002 hellraisers 2,538,668 1,364
002steve002    Rise & Shine
Greifental 9461 002steve002 Rise & Shine 1,495,423 769