4473 rank

16,584,310 points

5,585 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
BadgerBomb    wishing well
Parkog 2159 BadgerBomb wishing well 26,627,471 7,754
BadgerBomb    Terra
Tuulech 1168 BadgerBomb Terra 18,717,271 5,970
BadgerBomb    templars of the rose
Langendorn 4473 BadgerBomb templars of the rose 16,584,310 5,585
BadgerBomb    Professionals
Noarsil 5444 BadgerBomb Professionals 11,060,286 3,954
BadgerBomb    Aussie Sun
Fel Dranghyr 6187 BadgerBomb Aussie Sun 9,001,771 3,552