2184 rank

100,502,756 points

137,043 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Xena the Never-Ready    🔹🔹️Exodus🔹🔹
Cirgard 2028 Xena the Never-Ready 🔹🔹️Exodus🔹🔹 147,146,881 204,968
Xena the Never-Ready    STAR⚡AVENGERS
Houndsmoor 2425 Xena the Never-Ready STAR⚡AVENGERS 130,125,724 202,117
Xena the Never-Ready    Black Adders
Langendorn 2184 Xena the Never-Ready Black Adders 100,502,756 137,043
Xena the Never-Ready    Ye Olde Gittes
Mount Killmore 2366 Xena the Never-Ready Ye Olde Gittes 96,983,735 148,953