4307 rank

22,658,161 points

6,979 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
TrueLoquito    Dynamite
Langendorn 4307 TrueLoquito Dynamite 22,658,161 6,979
TrueLoquito    Nomads
Korch 9847 TrueLoquito Nomads 1,108,638 1,029
TrueLoquito    IndoForger
Arvahall 13827 TrueLoquito IndoForger 770,975 598
TrueLoquito    Score
Parkog 7840 TrueLoquito Score 601,836 546
TrueLoquito    ال م
Rugnir 9090 TrueLoquito ال م 405,938 703
TrueLoquito    smog
Odhrorvar 11542 TrueLoquito smog 354,843 242
TrueLoquito    we are one
Dinegu 13124 TrueLoquito we are one 333,082 297
TrueLoquito    Dragonian
Fel Dranghyr 13759 TrueLoquito Dragonian 205,216 369
TrueLoquito    Athena's Lair
Brisgard 16415 TrueLoquito Athena's Lair 164,427 138
TrueLoquito    culo
Houndsmoor 16544 TrueLoquito culo 91,094 142
TrueLoquito    The Grove
Mount Killmore 16850 TrueLoquito The Grove 78,453 106