5262 rank

10,945,342 points

3,163 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
TrueLoquito    Dynamite
Langendorn 5262 TrueLoquito Dynamite 10,945,342 3,163
TrueLoquito    IndoForger
Arvahall 13988 TrueLoquito IndoForger 713,654 586
TrueLoquito    Score
Parkog 7710 TrueLoquito Score 576,656 546
Rugnir 9038 TrueLoquito 394,320 701
TrueLoquito    we are one
Dinegu 13369 TrueLoquito we are one 328,142 297
TrueLoquito    Nomads
Korch 12781 TrueLoquito Nomads 322,908 390
TrueLoquito    smog
Odhrorvar 12193 TrueLoquito smog 295,275 217
TrueLoquito    Dragonian
Fel Dranghyr 14500 TrueLoquito Dragonian 174,239 343
TrueLoquito    Athena's Lair
Brisgard 16983 TrueLoquito Athena's Lair 148,707 138
TrueLoquito    The Grove
Mount Killmore 17460 TrueLoquito The Grove 77,553 106