17071 rank

28,647 points

86 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cruz the Conquer    Bring on Winter
Korch 14758 Cruz the Conquer Bring on Winter 104,103 238
Cruz the Conquer    Chilled Guild
Houndsmoor 17534 Cruz the Conquer Chilled Guild 60,185 152
Cruz the Conquer    The Goods Store
Brisgard 19238 Cruz the Conquer The Goods Store 55,286 137
Cruz the Conquer    CHILL QUARTERS
Tuulech 9284 Cruz the Conquer CHILL QUARTERS 48,996 155
Cruz the Conquer   
Dinegu 17440 Cruz the Conquer 48,324 171
Cruz the Conquer   
Uceria 7932 Cruz the Conquer 46,524 138
Cruz the Conquer    The first
Parkog 12754 Cruz the Conquer The first 46,236 94
Cruz the Conquer    Cookie Hut
Langendorn 17071 Cruz the Conquer Cookie Hut 28,647 86
Cruz the Conquer   
Mount Killmore 19647 Cruz the Conquer 26,753 43
Cruz the Conquer   
East-Nagach 18865 Cruz the Conquer 26,502 108