13828 rank

121,618 points

280 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
shouse51    Seaglass Bay
Sinerania 9512 shouse51 Seaglass Bay 245,449 362
Cirgard 14735 shouse51 226,601 379
Dinegu 14452 shouse51 176,982 389
shouse51    The Gollywobbles
Greifental 13773 shouse51 The Gollywobbles 175,325 278
shouse51    BigRed Beast's
Langendorn 13828 shouse51 BigRed Beast's 121,618 280
Mount Killmore 17845 shouse51 51,777 61
shouse51    Templars
Uceria 9200 shouse51 Templars 21,803 82