7436 rank

3,407,981 points

2,226 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
rootbeerfloat    Knight who say nee
Mount Killmore 8068 rootbeerfloat Knight who say nee 3,568,488 2,384
rootbeerfloat    the do nothing guild
Langendorn 7436 rootbeerfloat the do nothing guild 3,407,981 2,226
rootbeerfloat    chilled karma
Noarsil 9686 rootbeerfloat chilled karma 1,031,758 1,137
rootbeerfloat    No pressure
Parkog 7674 rootbeerfloat No pressure 658,556 817
rootbeerfloat    Calari
Rugnir 8640 rootbeerfloat Calari 509,175 716
rootbeerfloat    ASTURIAS
Odhrorvar 11431 rootbeerfloat ASTURIAS 372,783 447