14558 rank

199,861 points

713 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Houndsmoor 13048 blenkinship 429,588 820
blenkinship    All hail the puppy
Jaims 11997 blenkinship All hail the puppy 407,554 735
blenkinship    Allseeing
Parkog 8628 blenkinship Allseeing 378,177 842
blenkinship    The Road Warriors
Fel Dranghyr 12490 blenkinship The Road Warriors 360,687 658
blenkinship    Mythical
Mount Killmore 14558 blenkinship Mythical 199,861 713
blenkinship    Silver Surfers
Rugnir 12440 blenkinship Silver Surfers 71,828 219
blenkinship    IMPERIAL
Dinegu 19447 blenkinship IMPERIAL 19,758 93