17758 rank

57,205 points

276 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
SIMON2    lords of the world
Houndsmoor 16635 SIMON2 lords of the world 95,075 416
Greifental 15548 SIMON2 82,356 369
SIMON2    Valar Morghulis
Brisgard 18266 SIMON2 Valar Morghulis 80,817 419
SIMON2    fox empire
East-Nagach 16866 SIMON2 fox empire 64,734 331
SIMON2    wolfpack
Mount Killmore 17758 SIMON2 wolfpack 57,205 276
SIMON2    Holiday
Korch 16375 SIMON2 Holiday 55,409 307
Noarsil 16420 SIMON2 46,044 210
SIMON2    Bright Dot
Rugnir 14146 SIMON2 Bright Dot 33,918 186