11394 rank

732,265 points

3,302 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Socrates the Great 823    oss
East-Nagach 10376 Socrates the Great 823 oss 1,156,881 3,132
Socrates the Great 823    Quest Stuff
Langendorn 9508 Socrates the Great 823 Quest Stuff 987,686 3,220
Socrates the Great 823    doggone
Arvahall 13494 Socrates the Great 823 doggone 871,933 3,509
Socrates the Great 823    Yip
Brisgard 12355 Socrates the Great 823 Yip 827,492 3,861
Socrates the Great 823    Persian Empire
Houndsmoor 11615 Socrates the Great 823 Persian Empire 802,109 3,522
Socrates the Great 823    🍀🍀 No rules 🍀🍀
Cirgard 11848 Socrates the Great 823 🍀🍀 No rules 🍀🍀 775,233 3,893
Socrates the Great 823    Bialo-Czerwoni
Fel Dranghyr 10867 Socrates the Great 823 Bialo-Czerwoni 770,728 3,982
Socrates the Great 823    Knights that say NI
Dinegu 11335 Socrates the Great 823 Knights that say NI 749,238 3,375
Socrates the Great 823    Avengers
Noarsil 10351 Socrates the Great 823 Avengers 741,196 2,790
Socrates the Great 823    Aussie Thor’s
Mount Killmore 11394 Socrates the Great 823 Aussie Thor’s 732,265 3,302
Socrates the Great 823    Peace
Odhrorvar 10152 Socrates the Great 823 Peace 714,975 3,137
Socrates the Great 823    Stone Cutters
Korch 10773 Socrates the Great 823 Stone Cutters 711,323 3,805
Socrates the Great 823    Night Winners!
Greifental 10950 Socrates the Great 823 Night Winners! 687,026 3,576
Socrates the Great 823    Unknown guild
Jaims 10918 Socrates the Great 823 Unknown guild 686,080 3,458
Socrates the Great 823    fishnchips
Parkog 7776 Socrates the Great 823 fishnchips 622,716 2,835
Socrates the Great 823    The Dragon Lords
Rugnir 9014 Socrates the Great 823 The Dragon Lords 420,596 1,569