9250 rank

1,867,343 points

582 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Raheel P    A S G A R D ⚔️
Houndsmoor 493 Raheel P A S G A R D ⚔️ 867,446,238 212,187
Raheel P   
Brisgard 9681 Raheel P 2,840,915 728
Raheel P   
Jaims 8495 Raheel P 2,333,009 538
Raheel P   
Korch 8758 Raheel P 1,948,022 565
Raheel P   
Mount Killmore 9250 Raheel P 1,867,343 582
Raheel P    The Cat Herders
Dinegu 10677 Raheel P The Cat Herders 1,004,710 367
Raheel P   
Greifental 10287 Raheel P 953,945 351