7921 rank

3,926,509 points

4,903 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Loki Lord of Death    Legion of Doom
Arvahall 1826 Loki Lord of Death Legion of Doom 197,155,477 29,950
Loki Lord of Death    Thunder Struck
Cirgard 3335 Loki Lord of Death Thunder Struck 60,792,058 29,835
Loki Lord of Death    Q and the continuum
East-Nagach 4186 Loki Lord of Death Q and the continuum 33,186,090 11,953
Loki Lord of Death    Q and the Continum
Fel Dranghyr 4147 Loki Lord of Death Q and the Continum 33,165,568 13,707
Loki Lord of Death    Laid back
Brisgard 4796 Loki Lord of Death Laid back 29,858,103 14,991
Loki Lord of Death    Q and the Collective
Houndsmoor 5397 Loki Lord of Death Q and the Collective 22,268,490 10,853
Loki Lord of Death   
Jaims 4773 Loki Lord of Death 20,023,064 9,798
Loki Lord of Death    Q and the Collective
Dinegu 6235 Loki Lord of Death Q and the Collective 11,376,205 10,495
Loki Lord of Death   
Odhrorvar 6455 Loki Lord of Death 5,974,191 8,863
Loki Lord of Death    The Q
Mount Killmore 7921 Loki Lord of Death The Q 3,926,509 4,903
Loki Lord of Death    The Q
Greifental 8032 Loki Lord of Death The Q 3,636,882 5,499