5525 rank

13,549,426 points

2,110 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Diogenes the Impaler 55    Zxc
Arvahall 4763 Diogenes the Impaler 55 Zxc 36,373,302 2,723
Diogenes the Impaler 55    Kvg
Greifental 4344 Diogenes the Impaler 55 Kvg 29,337,407 2,995
Diogenes the Impaler 55    Hgf
Korch 4635 Diogenes the Impaler 55 Hgf 20,925,986 2,291
Diogenes the Impaler 55    Nhg
Houndsmoor 5509 Diogenes the Impaler 55 Nhg 20,880,655 2,461
Diogenes the Impaler 55    Vgg
Brisgard 5724 Diogenes the Impaler 55 Vgg 18,635,694 2,664
Diogenes the Impaler 55    Zzz
Jaims 5353 Diogenes the Impaler 55 Zzz 14,398,702 1,987
Diogenes the Impaler 55    Fghb
Cirgard 6074 Diogenes the Impaler 55 Fghb 13,596,911 2,259
Diogenes the Impaler 55    Gyn
Mount Killmore 5525 Diogenes the Impaler 55 Gyn 13,549,426 2,110
Diogenes the Impaler 55    Gfr
Noarsil 5791 Diogenes the Impaler 55 Gfr 10,572,231 1,219
Diogenes the Impaler 55    Thg
Sinerania 4518 Diogenes the Impaler 55 Thg 5,292,511 1,145