1622 rank

125,792,417 points

27,030 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Thorne 11    The Lucky Nine
Noarsil 849 Thorne 11 The Lucky Nine 286,721,859 67,219
Thorne 11    Black Sun
Korch 1172 Thorne 11 Black Sun 193,057,799 38,754
Thorne 11    Phoenix Risen
Brisgard 1461 Thorne 11 Phoenix Risen 183,233,156 44,677
Thorne 11    Umbrella Corp
Jaims 1437 Thorne 11 Umbrella Corp 154,206,564 35,728
Thorne 11    NoPreasure
Arvahall 1763 Thorne 11 NoPreasure 154,147,429 33,503
Thorne 11    The Sea Wolves
Langendorn 1414 Thorne 11 The Sea Wolves 143,174,401 36,141
Thorne 11    Canadians Reborn
Rugnir 824 Thorne 11 Canadians Reborn 141,629,565 35,581
Thorne 11   
Odhrorvar 1450 Thorne 11 134,464,692 30,094
Thorne 11    Wisdom
Mount Killmore 1622 Thorne 11 Wisdom 125,792,417 27,030