16636 rank

84,613 points

104 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
eman100    Valhalla Hall
Jaims 11058 eman100 Valhalla Hall 638,860 323
eman100    WHITE LIONS
Noarsil 11542 eman100 WHITE LIONS 411,130 269
eman100    the kings
Odhrorvar 11916 eman100 the kings 289,340 243
eman100    Bohemians
Langendorn 12972 eman100 Bohemians 184,809 173
eman100    Swift stallions
Houndsmoor 15389 eman100 Swift stallions 150,217 150
eman100    No buy diamonds
Mount Killmore 16636 eman100 No buy diamonds 84,613 104
eman100    The Mighty Forge
Korch 16989 eman100 The Mighty Forge 39,873 45