13947 rank

261,954 points

356 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Douche the Loser    Albania
Brisgard 11951 Douche the Loser Albania 946,699 691
Douche the Loser    TBA
Rugnir 8299 Douche the Loser TBA 583,041 564
Douche the Loser    TEA PARTY
Arvahall 15217 Douche the Loser TEA PARTY 463,616 619
Douche the Loser    VideoGameAddicts
Odhrorvar 11266 Douche the Loser VideoGameAddicts 415,604 427
Douche the Loser    Samo balkan
Langendorn 11361 Douche the Loser Samo balkan 402,893 609
Douche the Loser    Misfits
Dinegu 13092 Douche the Loser Misfits 342,798 410
Douche the Loser    King of the night
Greifental 12446 Douche the Loser King of the night 338,790 433
Douche the Loser    Freedom fighters
Noarsil 12043 Douche the Loser Freedom fighters 338,211 435
Douche the Loser    Sciboy
East-Nagach 13211 Douche the Loser Sciboy 312,884 339
Douche the Loser    Zelda
Cirgard 14097 Douche the Loser Zelda 304,763 381
Douche the Loser    guild 1
Mount Killmore 13947 Douche the Loser guild 1 261,954 356
Douche the Loser    Vampires Market
Jaims 13148 Douche the Loser Vampires Market 259,311 344
Douche the Loser    ojodumeh
Fel Dranghyr 13430 Douche the Loser ojodumeh 243,886 407
Douche the Loser    Pans guild
Korch 13284 Douche the Loser Pans guild 224,962 449