12250 rank

513,767 points

99 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Argus the Avenger    the GODS
Odhrorvar 863 Argus the Avenger the GODS 337,794,873 51,951
Argus the Avenger    Freedom to play
Arvahall 14492 Argus the Avenger Freedom to play 598,629 182
Argus the Avenger    townguild
East-Nagach 11897 Argus the Avenger townguild 560,279 107
Argus the Avenger   
Langendorn 10654 Argus the Avenger 553,533 122
Argus the Avenger    Smokey
Dinegu 12003 Argus the Avenger Smokey 553,025 147
Argus the Avenger    PLAY FOR FUN
Brisgard 13388 Argus the Avenger PLAY FOR FUN 538,478 95
Argus the Avenger    SAILORS
Houndsmoor 12556 Argus the Avenger SAILORS 535,022 158
Argus the Avenger    Nozgoth
Mount Killmore 12250 Argus the Avenger Nozgoth 513,767 99
Argus the Avenger    pfc
Cirgard 12936 Argus the Avenger pfc 492,613 131
Argus the Avenger    GREMLINS
Fel Dranghyr 11887 Argus the Avenger GREMLINS 485,434 93
Argus the Avenger    kate
Greifental 11782 Argus the Avenger kate 464,853 105
Argus the Avenger    The Circle
Korch 11771 Argus the Avenger The Circle 445,754 94
Argus the Avenger    Ice cold
Noarsil 11398 Argus the Avenger Ice cold 441,181 96
Argus the Avenger    PATOGEN
Rugnir 9177 Argus the Avenger PATOGEN 386,367 87
Argus the Avenger    Warrior Traders
Parkog 8728 Argus the Avenger Warrior Traders 360,966 102