4573 rank

22,742,560 points

16,630 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Melina the Red 031   
East-Nagach 3303 Melina the Red 031 57,678,634 30,518
Melina the Red 031    Sword of Damocles I
Cirgard 4713 Melina the Red 031 Sword of Damocles I 26,403,332 24,085
Melina the Red 031   
Houndsmoor 5313 Melina the Red 031 23,146,557 16,851
Melina the Red 031   
Mount Killmore 4573 Melina the Red 031 22,742,560 16,630
Melina the Red 031   
Korch 4515 Melina the Red 031 22,257,922 21,234
Melina the Red 031   
Brisgard 5367 Melina the Red 031 22,128,244 17,719
Melina the Red 031   
Rugnir 5455 Melina the Red 031 3,886,849 6,112
Melina the Red 031   
Arvahall 10079 Melina the Red 031 3,761,180 6,762
Melina the Red 031   
Langendorn 7326 Melina the Red 031 3,693,928 6,235
Melina the Red 031   
Dinegu 8374 Melina the Red 031 3,612,149 6,536
Melina the Red 031   
Parkog 5178 Melina the Red 031 3,611,234 6,148
Melina the Red 031   
Noarsil 7593 Melina the Red 031 3,574,353 6,150
Melina the Red 031   
Fel Dranghyr 8125 Melina the Red 031 3,437,210 6,236
Melina the Red 031   
Greifental 8211 Melina the Red 031 3,235,341 6,393
Melina the Red 031   
Odhrorvar 7481 Melina the Red 031 3,231,865 6,187
Melina the Red 031   
Jaims 8053 Melina the Red 031 3,114,207 6,299