9602 rank

1,571,901 points

975 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
6 Pak the Protector   
Jaims 7323 6 Pak the Protector 4,971,558 3,216
6 Pak the Protector   
Dinegu 8193 6 Pak the Protector 3,993,611 2,343
6 Pak the Protector   
Cirgard 8813 6 Pak the Protector 3,409,404 2,331
6 Pak the Protector   
Rugnir 6410 6 Pak the Protector 1,918,668 1,823
6 Pak the Protector   
Mount Killmore 9602 6 Pak the Protector 1,571,901 975
6 Pak the Protector   
Houndsmoor 10368 6 Pak the Protector 1,412,313 1,523