13611 rank

294,984 points

321 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Livia the Proud 508    Freedom Fighters
Dinegu 139 Livia the Proud 508 Freedom Fighters 1,689,287,481 288,800
Livia the Proud 508   
Greifental 11455 Livia the Proud 508 544,573 368
Livia the Proud 508    Dejected & Rejected
Arvahall 14825 Livia the Proud 508 Dejected & Rejected 529,178 372
Livia the Proud 508    X Force
Cirgard 12836 Livia the Proud 508 X Force 512,639 445
Livia the Proud 508   
Rugnir 8790 Livia the Proud 508 472,155 499
Livia the Proud 508    Valhalla Academy
Fel Dranghyr 12043 Livia the Proud 508 Valhalla Academy 455,054 415
Livia the Proud 508   
Houndsmoor 13013 Livia the Proud 508 439,133 393
Livia the Proud 508    Gamer Council
East-Nagach 12450 Livia the Proud 508 Gamer Council 427,214 277
Livia the Proud 508    Binmanbandits
Tuulech 5578 Livia the Proud 508 Binmanbandits 402,243 285
Livia the Proud 508    Peace and Quiet
Noarsil 11678 Livia the Proud 508 Peace and Quiet 386,754 139
Livia the Proud 508    Sun
Brisgard 14483 Livia the Proud 508 Sun 351,961 234
Livia the Proud 508    The Pot Smokers
Parkog 8821 Livia the Proud 508 The Pot Smokers 340,524 203
Livia the Proud 508    No Fudges Given
Mount Killmore 13611 Livia the Proud 508 No Fudges Given 294,984 321