5935 rank

11,374,045 points

2,209 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
PaultheGhoul    TimeLine
Jaims 5663 PaultheGhoul TimeLine 12,762,216 2,464
PaultheGhoul    The Knights Watch
Langendorn 5391 PaultheGhoul The Knights Watch 12,093,314 1,972
PaultheGhoul    ALIEN NATION
Mount Killmore 5935 PaultheGhoul ALIEN NATION 11,374,045 2,209
PaultheGhoul    Happy Zagorci
Odhrorvar 5425 PaultheGhoul Happy Zagorci 11,097,031 1,765
PaultheGhoul    Star empire
Parkog 4383 PaultheGhoul Star empire 6,946,229 1,365
PaultheGhoul    .💎.
Fel Dranghyr 7349 PaultheGhoul .💎. 5,684,597 1,261
PaultheGhoul    Game of Arcs
Arvahall 10954 PaultheGhoul Game of Arcs 2,616,242 884
PaultheGhoul    Freeplay
Brisgard 10116 PaultheGhoul Freeplay 2,388,821 937
PaultheGhoul    Knights Who Say Nee
Dinegu 11005 PaultheGhoul Knights Who Say Nee 892,618 481
PaultheGhoul    KITTY RIOT
Cirgard 16511 PaultheGhoul KITTY RIOT 108,864 88
PaultheGhoul    NewOneWorld
Greifental 15377 PaultheGhoul NewOneWorld 87,092 89
PaultheGhoul    I~ The Builders ~I H
Houndsmoor 17177 PaultheGhoul I~ The Builders ~I H 72,020 69