587 rank

587,332,759 points

325,507 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rodney the Rogue    🔥 Firebirds 🦅
Mount Killmore 587 Rodney the Rogue 🔥 Firebirds 🦅 587,332,759 325,507
Rodney the Rogue    Rogues Resthouse
Langendorn 4683 Rodney the Rogue Rogues Resthouse 18,241,190 27,643
Rodney the Rogue    Daybringers
Fel Dranghyr 5575 Rodney the Rogue Daybringers 14,493,034 17,578
Rodney the Rogue    Designated Drinkers
Houndsmoor 6794 Rodney the Rogue Designated Drinkers 10,811,746 8,627