17752 rank

57,534 points

115 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Augustus the Fair 986   
Odhrorvar 14453 Augustus the Fair 986 91,005 126
Augustus the Fair 986   
Fel Dranghyr 15874 Augustus the Fair 986 84,149 158
Augustus the Fair 986   
Rugnir 12548 Augustus the Fair 986 69,492 110
Augustus the Fair 986    ragamuffin
Brisgard 18695 Augustus the Fair 986 ragamuffin 68,746 186
Augustus the Fair 986    Space
Cirgard 17644 Augustus the Fair 986 Space 68,016 153
Augustus the Fair 986    United Kingdoms
Korch 16012 Augustus the Fair 986 United Kingdoms 64,439 147
Augustus the Fair 986   
Arvahall 20847 Augustus the Fair 986 57,656 117
Augustus the Fair 986   
Greifental 16345 Augustus the Fair 986 57,578 106
Augustus the Fair 986   
Mount Killmore 17752 Augustus the Fair 986 57,534 115
Augustus the Fair 986    Dovahkin
Jaims 18912 Augustus the Fair 986 Dovahkin 21,107 146