7220 rank

5,882,081 points

2,425 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
venus24    Little Ewoks
Korch 6636 venus24 Little Ewoks 6,926,026 2,487
venus24    Britannia
Brisgard 8026 venus24 Britannia 6,761,785 2,695
venus24    Freedom Warriors
Mount Killmore 7220 venus24 Freedom Warriors 5,882,081 2,425
venus24    world peace
Fel Dranghyr 7271 venus24 world peace 5,812,296 2,152
venus24    Adults 30+
Houndsmoor 8313 venus24 Adults 30+ 4,783,386 2,200
venus24    PEACE and FUN
Odhrorvar 6853 venus24 PEACE and FUN 4,758,567 2,085
venus24    The Undivided
East-Nagach 8856 venus24 The Undivided 2,629,204 1,516