5458 rank

14,088,560 points

10,354 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lucy Fur.    Sons of Gwalia
Dinegu 1932 Lucy Fur. Sons of Gwalia 160,746,388 71,882
Lucy Fur.    ⚔️Valhalla Rising⚔️
Sinerania 979 Lucy Fur. ⚔️Valhalla Rising⚔️ 112,587,973 65,454
Lucy Fur.    You're welcome!
Fel Dranghyr 4416 Lucy Fur. You're welcome! 27,983,032 19,239
Lucy Fur.    The Herbalists 💨🌲
Mount Killmore 5458 Lucy Fur. The Herbalists 💨🌲 14,088,560 10,354