12341 rank

514,817 points

250 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Galadhriel    Sh!ts & Giggles
Mount Killmore 12341 Galadhriel Sh!ts & Giggles 514,817 250
Galadhriel    House of Blues
Dinegu 12608 Galadhriel House of Blues 442,766 226
Galadhriel    Black Gate
East-Nagach 12471 Galadhriel Black Gate 441,880 285
Galadhriel    The Great and Strong
Arvahall 15881 Galadhriel The Great and Strong 372,370 243
Galadhriel    Drakaris
Greifental 17739 Galadhriel Drakaris 34,450 52