8620 rank

2,463,158 points

674 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cordelia the Bold 861    hunter
Langendorn 7320 Cordelia the Bold 861 hunter 3,449,310 768
Cordelia the Bold 861    Tainted Ravens
Rugnir 5508 Cordelia the Bold 861 Tainted Ravens 3,165,031 883
Cordelia the Bold 861    Pagans
Sinerania 5220 Cordelia the Bold 861 Pagans 2,575,431 801
Cordelia the Bold 861    S.H.I.E.L.D.
Odhrorvar 7794 Cordelia the Bold 861 S.H.I.E.L.D. 2,506,333 759
Cordelia the Bold 861    GooglyWobblers
Mount Killmore 8620 Cordelia the Bold 861 GooglyWobblers 2,463,158 674
Cordelia the Bold 861    Wolfies
Noarsil 8138 Cordelia the Bold 861 Wolfies 2,376,784 705
Cordelia the Bold 861    Aussie girls
East-Nagach 9039 Cordelia the Bold 861 Aussie girls 2,220,214 569
Cordelia the Bold 861    USSR
Korch 8661 Cordelia the Bold 861 USSR 2,047,545 716
Cordelia the Bold 861    DrinkMoreRum
Brisgard 10319 Cordelia the Bold 861 DrinkMoreRum 1,927,224 677
Cordelia the Bold 861    crni Gruja
Houndsmoor 9882 Cordelia the Bold 861 crni Gruja 1,817,536 606
Cordelia the Bold 861    Agents of SHIELD
Greifental 9226 Cordelia the Bold 861 Agents of SHIELD 1,729,430 692
Cordelia the Bold 861    Wolf Moon.
Jaims 9047 Cordelia the Bold 861 Wolf Moon. 1,613,464 649
Cordelia the Bold 861    Smokers
Fel Dranghyr 9387 Cordelia the Bold 861 Smokers 1,587,643 735
Cordelia the Bold 861    Foolin’
Arvahall 11954 Cordelia the Bold 861 Foolin’ 1,497,115 627
Cordelia the Bold 861    БАЛКАНЦИ
Cirgard 10298 Cordelia the Bold 861 БАЛКАНЦИ 1,460,310 785
Cordelia the Bold 861    MOHAWK
Dinegu 10038 Cordelia the Bold 861 MOHAWK 1,394,086 717
Cordelia the Bold 861    The Shield
Tuulech 4513 Cordelia the Bold 861 The Shield 622,851 423
Cordelia the Bold 861    Captain Sparrow
Uceria 4462 Cordelia the Bold 861 Captain Sparrow 336,419 282