1276 rank

234,390,817 points

134,882 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Yak the Wrathful 806    AWSOMNESSNESS Guild
Noarsil 1276 Yak the Wrathful 806 AWSOMNESSNESS Guild 234,390,817 134,882
Yak the Wrathful 806    Oaklands
Langendorn 10885 Yak the Wrathful 806 Oaklands 488,334 648
Yak the Wrathful 806    Piheno
Arvahall 16071 Yak the Wrathful 806 Piheno 341,537 313
Yak the Wrathful 806    PEACE GUILD
East-Nagach 14268 Yak the Wrathful 806 PEACE GUILD 191,657 218
Yak the Wrathful 806    Thornaby
Korch 16283 Yak the Wrathful 806 Thornaby 52,296 117