3604 rank

40,846,033 points

9,743 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Maniac853    The unloved
Noarsil 3604 Maniac853 The unloved 40,846,033 9,743
Maniac853    The Quest
Dinegu 4648 Maniac853 The Quest 26,977,356 9,559
Maniac853    Mighty Oaks join now
Arvahall 7113 Maniac853 Mighty Oaks join now 13,064,661 8,705
Maniac853    The finest join now
East-Nagach 6290 Maniac853 The finest join now 11,135,967 6,192
Maniac853    Stepping Stone
Fel Dranghyr 6801 Maniac853 Stepping Stone 7,624,795 5,425
Maniac853    As and when
Jaims 7370 Maniac853 As and when 4,838,444 4,453
Maniac853    Fool's Paradise
Uceria 2529 Maniac853 Fool's Paradise 4,427,871 7,049
Maniac853    Lone wolves
Tuulech 6555 Maniac853 Lone wolves 224,199 667