11509 rank

418,235 points

1,245 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pythagoras the Red 1928    Under Construction
Sinerania 2920 Pythagoras the Red 1928 Under Construction 17,160,916 10,975
Pythagoras the Red 1928    Fire Shack
Brisgard 6497 Pythagoras the Red 1928 Fire Shack 13,238,474 9,237
Pythagoras the Red 1928    Awesome Express
Mount Killmore 9605 Pythagoras the Red 1928 Awesome Express 1,566,618 3,053
Pythagoras the Red 1928    Evergreen
Noarsil 11509 Pythagoras the Red 1928 Evergreen 418,235 1,245
Pythagoras the Red 1928    Relaxation
Fel Dranghyr 13225 Pythagoras the Red 1928 Relaxation 255,290 561
Pythagoras the Red 1928    Kanada
Rugnir 13263 Pythagoras the Red 1928 Kanada 49,545 132