11526 rank

421,464 points

198 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rob the Great 2    Rob's Lobs
Greifental 2117 Rob the Great 2 Rob's Lobs 121,784,669 293,527
Rob the Great 2    Rob's Lobs
Odhrorvar 6779 Rob the Great 2 Rob's Lobs 4,852,064 1,298
Rob the Great 2    Rob's Guild
Mount Killmore 7748 Rob the Great 2 Rob's Guild 4,197,733 1,078
Rob the Great 2    Steamed Buns
Uceria 4256 Rob the Great 2 Steamed Buns 566,299 493
Rob the Great 2    GingerDragons
Noarsil 11526 Rob the Great 2 GingerDragons 421,464 198