5969 rank

9,637,493 points

12,941 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
keithjpr68    Dragons of Killmore
Mount Killmore 4914 keithjpr68 Dragons of Killmore 19,027,646 18,676
keithjpr68    🏰 The Guardians 🏰
Noarsil 5969 keithjpr68 🏰 The Guardians 🏰 9,637,493 12,941
keithjpr68    Brisgard United
Brisgard 7331 keithjpr68 Brisgard United 9,240,149 13,837
keithjpr68    \_Vikings_/
Houndsmoor 10997 keithjpr68 \_Vikings_/ 1,051,271 2,667
keithjpr68    WANDERERS
Cirgard 14690 keithjpr68 WANDERERS 231,049 370