9660 rank

1,053,468 points

724 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Johno2li    VERTOLIAN
Langendorn 8317 Johno2li VERTOLIAN 1,869,554 1,633
Johno2li    2nd Light Infantry
Arvahall 11994 Johno2li 2nd Light Infantry 1,425,663 843
Johno2li    2nd Light Infantry
Odhrorvar 8865 Johno2li 2nd Light Infantry 1,373,166 884
Johno2li    2nd Light Infantry
Houndsmoor 10464 Johno2li 2nd Light Infantry 1,323,548 884
Johno2li    2nd Light Infantry
Noarsil 9660 Johno2li 2nd Light Infantry 1,053,468 724
Johno2li    Soldiers of fortune
Fel Dranghyr 10312 Johno2li Soldiers of fortune 1,027,170 742
Johno2li    2LI
Rugnir 7236 Johno2li 2LI 959,781 640
Johno2li    K.O.Y.L.I
Mount Killmore 11186 Johno2li K.O.Y.L.I 797,094 622
Johno2li    Light Infantry
Parkog 8467 Johno2li Light Infantry 381,668 399
Johno2li    Light Infantryman
Tuulech 4939 Johno2li Light Infantryman 379,526 457