6059 rank

8,776,196 points

12,991 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Mandana the Sly 113    Holding pattern
Greifental 3822 Mandana the Sly 113 Holding pattern 39,037,494 31,834
Mandana the Sly 113    R.E.D.
Odhrorvar 5142 Mandana the Sly 113 R.E.D. 12,253,798 9,739
Mandana the Sly 113   
Jaims 6000 Mandana the Sly 113 9,719,718 13,344
Mandana the Sly 113   
Noarsil 6059 Mandana the Sly 113 8,776,196 12,991
Mandana the Sly 113    Me Mep Rdrunner 💙💛
Fel Dranghyr 7827 Mandana the Sly 113 Me Mep Rdrunner 💙💛 4,103,357 11,179