12243 rank

309,052 points

181 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bruce the Dominator    GE5
Greifental 499 Bruce the Dominator GE5 678,035,844 156,656
Bruce the Dominator    Diamond PARADISE
Odhrorvar 4708 Bruce the Dominator Diamond PARADISE 15,361,060 6,320
Bruce the Dominator   
Jaims 5964 Bruce the Dominator 9,716,958 15,609
Bruce the Dominator   
Rugnir 6461 Bruce the Dominator 1,715,894 1,622
Bruce the Dominator    Worldwide
Arvahall 12230 Bruce the Dominator Worldwide 1,378,651 1,681
Bruce the Dominator    The Goods Store
Brisgard 12763 Bruce the Dominator The Goods Store 675,290 188
Bruce the Dominator   
Langendorn 10424 Bruce the Dominator 619,551 202
Bruce the Dominator    The Goods Store
Houndsmoor 12394 Bruce the Dominator The Goods Store 571,512 474
Bruce the Dominator    DIAMOND Paradise
Dinegu 11959 Bruce the Dominator DIAMOND Paradise 569,367 219
Bruce the Dominator    The Goods Store
Cirgard 12668 Bruce the Dominator The Goods Store 556,857 261
Bruce the Dominator    The Goods Store
Korch 11596 Bruce the Dominator The Goods Store 490,634 217
Bruce the Dominator    No to diamonds NtD4
Mount Killmore 12715 Bruce the Dominator No to diamonds NtD4 427,499 255
Bruce the Dominator   
Parkog 8757 Bruce the Dominator 348,447 913
Bruce the Dominator    The Goods Store
Noarsil 12243 Bruce the Dominator The Goods Store 309,052 181