8701 rank

1,740,842 points

2,914 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
leo the great warrior    Casual Guild
Houndsmoor 2382 leo the great warrior Casual Guild 116,069,025 23,669
leo the great warrior    The Free Market
Mount Killmore 4563 leo the great warrior The Free Market 20,921,321 10,336
leo the great warrior    Smallville
Jaims 5085 leo the great warrior Smallville 15,434,241 6,540
leo the great warrior    Samsara's Rest
Langendorn 4906 leo the great warrior Samsara's Rest 14,752,265 10,193
leo the great warrior    Sparta
Arvahall 6784 leo the great warrior Sparta 13,723,757 8,718
leo the great warrior    Adamastor
Sinerania 3147 leo the great warrior Adamastor 12,843,204 8,120
leo the great warrior    SOTV
Fel Dranghyr 5935 leo the great warrior SOTV 11,251,691 8,822
leo the great warrior    Eagle Eye
Dinegu 6329 leo the great warrior Eagle Eye 10,135,082 7,443
leo the great warrior    FREE THINKING
Korch 6048 leo the great warrior FREE THINKING 9,220,362 7,112
leo the great warrior    Legions of Eagles
Odhrorvar 6003 leo the great warrior Legions of Eagles 7,494,580 7,507
leo the great warrior    wolves ay we
Uceria 2929 leo the great warrior wolves ay we 1,961,489 3,455
leo the great warrior    Just Be Yourself
Noarsil 8701 leo the great warrior Just Be Yourself 1,740,842 2,914
leo the great warrior    Do As You please
Brisgard 10734 leo the great warrior Do As You please 1,628,730 2,860
leo the great warrior    The Retreat
Cirgard 11239 leo the great warrior The Retreat 972,796 2,070
leo the great warrior    ⚔️Vikings⚔️
Tuulech 4765 leo the great warrior ⚔️Vikings⚔️ 594,390 1,334