2876 rank

65,530,628 points

12,251 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Surana the Wise    Medusa's Coil
Korch 1613 Surana the Wise Medusa's Coil 165,827,565 29,792
Surana the Wise    Khaos Order
Cirgard 2933 Surana the Wise Khaos Order 77,262,132 15,532
Surana the Wise    Forged In Fire
Dinegu 3078 Surana the Wise Forged In Fire 72,590,069 13,206
Surana the Wise    Chilling
East-Nagach 2998 Surana the Wise Chilling 71,325,331 13,414
Surana the Wise    Caesar's Retreat
Noarsil 2876 Surana the Wise Caesar's Retreat 65,530,628 12,251
Surana the Wise    LostSpider
Langendorn 2954 Surana the Wise LostSpider 55,730,575 13,717
Surana the Wise    PENDRAGON
Jaims 6354 Surana the Wise PENDRAGON 8,512,791 5,219