3530 rank

39,160,976 points

2,155 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
murphdagg    ;urphy's law
Jaims 483 murphdagg ;urphy's law 589,718,658 122,156
murphdagg    murph's law
Noarsil 3530 murphdagg murph's law 39,160,976 2,155
murphdagg    The Daggs Paw !
Dinegu 14183 murphdagg The Daggs Paw ! 215,353 390
murphdagg    MURPHY'S LAW
Uceria 5916 murphdagg MURPHY'S LAW 129,555 208
murphdagg    THE DAGG'S DEN
Greifental 14967 murphdagg THE DAGG'S DEN 107,274 35