2352 rank

86,901,939 points

86,946 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Serene Sabi    Easy Guild
Noarsil 2352 Serene Sabi Easy Guild 86,901,939 86,946
Serene Sabi    White 🌹 Collective
Odhrorvar 3133 Serene Sabi White 🌹 Collective 42,794,073 152,401
Serene Sabi    The Collective
Tuulech 1400 Serene Sabi The Collective 20,205,586 89,856
Serene Sabi    🌏Adventus🌎
Houndsmoor 12110 Serene Sabi 🌏Adventus🌎 646,815 2,171
Serene Sabi    NipponiaNippon
Korch 12441 Serene Sabi NipponiaNippon 334,172 1,608
Serene Sabi    The Crypt
East-Nagach 13281 Serene Sabi The Crypt 303,561 1,019