8258 rank

2,221,418 points

2,040 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Fleur the Fabulous    Land of Dawn
Parkog 5584 Fleur the Fabulous Land of Dawn 2,356,884 2,258
Fleur the Fabulous    The Sometimers
Noarsil 8258 Fleur the Fabulous The Sometimers 2,221,418 2,040
Fleur the Fabulous   
Sinerania 5800 Fleur the Fabulous 1,803,008 2,165
Fleur the Fabulous    No idea
Arvahall 12697 Fleur the Fabulous No idea 1,139,812 1,688
Fleur the Fabulous    Suryavansham
Jaims 9765 Fleur the Fabulous Suryavansham 1,135,356 1,650