13747 rank

143,202 points

325 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ADRIAAN4    Foo fighters
Brisgard 13783 ADRIAAN4 Foo fighters 460,828 756
ADRIAAN4    Up in smoke
Cirgard 13468 ADRIAAN4 Up in smoke 397,016 728
ADRIAAN4    Kingdom of Jerusalem
Korch 12409 ADRIAAN4 Kingdom of Jerusalem 332,053 576
ADRIAAN4    Oberon
Jaims 12637 ADRIAAN4 Oberon 307,335 576
ADRIAAN4    The Yorkshire Roses
Noarsil 13747 ADRIAAN4 The Yorkshire Roses 143,202 325
ADRIAAN4    The Apprentice
Dinegu 16986 ADRIAAN4 The Apprentice 59,059 165