16280 rank

57,378 points

178 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
hoppel head   
Dinegu 11970 hoppel head 587,089 1,170
hoppel head   
Langendorn 15449 hoppel head 72,197 192
hoppel head    Sabbatical
East-Nagach 17132 hoppel head Sabbatical 66,588 198
hoppel head   
Brisgard 19587 hoppel head 58,316 184
hoppel head    Celtic Warriors
Noarsil 16280 hoppel head Celtic Warriors 57,378 178
hoppel head   
Korch 16990 hoppel head 54,112 166
hoppel head   
Mount Killmore 18474 hoppel head 52,936 170
hoppel head    wolf pack
Houndsmoor 18690 hoppel head wolf pack 52,133 155
hoppel head   
Sinerania 12688 hoppel head 50,538 179
hoppel head    Alliance of kingdoms
Parkog 13318 hoppel head Alliance of kingdoms 39,120 147