11497 rank

437,166 points

1,312 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Station the ruthless    brashrock
Langendorn 4029 Station the ruthless brashrock 25,097,520 12,986
Station the ruthless    Empires of the forge
Rugnir 7588 Station the ruthless Empires of the forge 861,256 2,070
Station the ruthless    Kikiam 😁
Noarsil 11497 Station the ruthless Kikiam 😁 437,166 1,312
Station the ruthless    ANZAC
Parkog 8386 Station the ruthless ANZAC 415,333 1,123
Station the ruthless    rejects strength
Mount Killmore 13409 Station the ruthless rejects strength 328,150 1,105
Station the ruthless    SLYDOG
Tuulech 6093 Station the ruthless SLYDOG 247,269 721
Station the ruthless   
Cirgard 15608 Station the ruthless 160,788 604
Station the ruthless    must go
Dinegu 15504 Station the ruthless must go 116,626 712