7324 rank

4,190,952 points

1,094 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
CPCarol    Seekers of Something
Brisgard 8344 CPCarol Seekers of Something 5,509,173 1,378
CPCarol    Takeiteasy
Houndsmoor 8210 CPCarol Takeiteasy 4,847,496 1,122
CPCarol    Smylord
Greifental 7593 CPCarol Smylord 4,684,639 1,193
CPCarol    Asgrd
Jaims 7357 CPCarol Asgrd 4,582,869 958
CPCarol    al7lm99
Parkog 4800 CPCarol al7lm99 4,369,196 1,192
CPCarol    Lions heart
Noarsil 7324 CPCarol Lions heart 4,190,952 1,094
CPCarol    Elysian Fields
Mount Killmore 7823 CPCarol Elysian Fields 3,962,133 966
CPCarol    Almogavar
Langendorn 7229 CPCarol Almogavar 3,710,357 998