10244 rank

779,444 points

1,252 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
redrodda    moon's outlaws
Cirgard 11226 redrodda moon's outlaws 978,413 1,460
redrodda    No Tolerance
Tuulech 4326 redrodda No Tolerance 856,177 1,472
redrodda    Northern Lights
Dinegu 11111 redrodda Northern Lights 833,121 1,494
redrodda    Viking Nation
Fel Dranghyr 10731 redrodda Viking Nation 827,309 1,482
redrodda    Rod Of Iron
Noarsil 10244 redrodda Rod Of Iron 779,444 1,252
redrodda    CANADIAN
Odhrorvar 10159 redrodda CANADIAN 711,952 1,245
redrodda    Valar Dohaeris
Arvahall 14228 redrodda Valar Dohaeris 654,275 1,304